
Notifications can be used to check when a rule has made matches against apks. They can be listed, among many more, and allow user notifications to be filtered by type and status.


GET /notifications/

List of analyst notifications.

Query Parameters
  • type – filter by notification type, with possible values being: ruleset_matched, ruleset_commented, analysis_completed, user_new_follower, ruleset_social_accepted, ruleset_social_rejected, mention_comment_sample, mention_comment_ruleset.

  • is_read – filter whether notifications have been marked as read or unread.

GET /notifications/(str: hashid)/

Details of a notification.

PUT /notifications/(str: hashid)/

Update the status of a notification. Allows modification of the is_read attribute to indicate that it has already been read.

PATCH /notifications/(str: hashid)/

Update the status of a notification. Allows modification of the is_read attribute to indicate that it has already been read.